
A Debriefing Retreat for Global Workers

Our Next Retreat:

July 29–August 3, 2024 • Barrington, IL
at the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House

We’re sorry—registration has closed for this retreat.
Please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.

Upcoming Retreats:

September 29–October 4, 2024 • Haverford, PA
at the St. Raphaela Center

 Registration is now open for this retreat!
Please register by September 11.

Click Here to Register

January 17–23, 2025 • Jacksonville, FL
at the Marywood Retreat and Conference Center


For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
See below for 2024 pricing.

When a person tells his story and is truly heard and understood, he undergoes actual changes in his brain circuitry that corresponds to a greater sense of emotional and relational connection, decreased anxiety, and greater awareness of and compassion for others’ suffering.

—Curt Thompson, M.D., Anatomy of the Soul

What will you do at this retreat?

  • Reflect on relevant life questions in a safe environment
  • Share and process your story with experienced, trained debriefers
  • Participate in debriefing activities with a small group of peers
  • Integrate past challenges and successes into your life story
  • Begin to look toward the next step of your journey

In the mornings, you will participate in a brief devotion related to topics such as Jesus as the master debriefer, surrender and forgiveness, grief and loss, and change. These will be followed by individual and small group activities designed to facilitate the telling of your story.

In the afternoons there will be opportunity for individuals and couples to tell their story to Barnabas staff members who are trained and experienced in helping you process and integrate your ministry story.


Here’s what recent participants had to say about the Interlude debriefing retreat:

“Interlude was such a restful, restorative week for my husband and me to not only reconnect away from ministry, but to really unpack and process our time on the mission field. Grace broke some new ground in our hearts this week and poured new life into parts that were tired and even dead. The path forward seems so much more hopeful, more clear and more possible! Highly, highly recommend!”

“I came to Interlude dry, weary, fearful of opening my heart, and skeptical that good could come from this retreat. Five days later, I leave renewed and restored, rested, confident in Jesus’ love for me, hopeful and unafraid for whatever He brings into my path as I leave this holy place. Thanks, Barnabas!”

“I didn’t want to come to Interlude, but I am so glad that I did. God used this retreat to do amazing things in me. Thank you Barnabas for putting it on.”

“This week was just what I needed, at just the right time. It was such a blessing to feel so known and understood and cared for. Everything from the beauty of nature surrounding us, to the variety of ways I was able to express my story, were blessings to my soul. I’m so thankful to have had this time before heading back to my place of service.”

Cost and Fees

2024 Pricing

for all US-based retreats
Single (shared room): $1,075
Single (private room): $1,325
Couple: $2,000

Registrations cancelled 2 weeks or more before the retreat will be reimbursed minus a $100 administration fee per person.
Refunds for cancellations less than 2 weeks before the event will be dependent on the venue’s policies.
For more information contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Interlude Facilitators

Barrington, IL, Interlude; July 29–August 3, 2024


Sarah Anderson

Sarah is delighted to exercise her calling to spiritual direction and care of missionaries within the context of Barnabas International. Her passion is for facilitating spiritual growth, and she loves coming alongside global workers to encourage them. She uses her MA in Spiritual Formation (Wheaton College Graduate School), and her certification as a spiritual director (Christos) to offer deep soul listening and discernment. She and her husband, Mark, served as global workers in France for twenty years. They have three children, two in-laws, and four grandkids.



Elisa is an energetic, single, Indiana farmer’s daughter who ended up serving in China for 18 years. She taught English to university students as her career. She was also involved in campus/community outreach and served on her company’s member care team. Since she started living overseas directly after college, she also considers herself to be a TCA (Third Culture Adult) which is why her heart for youth overseas is so big! Like many global workers Elisa had an abrupt ending to her time in China because of COVID. Elisa is delighted to be a part of Barnabas International and get to fully focus on her calling of being a global-nomadic member care provider. He has given her a huge heart and a lot of experiential and professional training in debriefing (Paracletos, Inc.), coaching (CMI and YEC), and pastoral counseling (CCEF). Perhaps what God has used to equip Elisa the most for debriefing was allowing her to live and experience her very own deep griefs, burnout, and recovery.


Brian Matchell

Brian is a professional debriefer, critical incident debriefer, and coach who has a deep passion for coming alongside missionaries wherever they are in their story. Brian, his wife, and three teenagers worked overseas for five years in Kijabe, Kenya, at Rift Valley Academy, but now partner with multiple organizations in different countries while being based out of Arkansas. Brian is debriefing certified through See Beyond and the ICISF, and debriefing trained through Train International. Brian has seen God use debriefing to facilitate transformation in the lives of so many first responders and international workers over the years that he is incredibly excited to see what He has in store for this upcoming Interlude week.


Steve and Deborah Wise

After 13 years of ministry together in Cambodia as church planters, Steve and Deborah took a year-long sabbatical to consider what God might have next for them. Through rest, spiritual refreshment, and a significant time of debriefing, they clearly felt the pull to continue investing their lives in others—specifically those in cross-cultural ministry. Acting on that vision they joined Barnabas International in 2014 and began building a ministry in member care. They are currently living in Palmyra, PA, balancing various avenues of ministry—from one-on-one video calls to organizing and facilitating trainings and retreats. They are trained debriefers (MTI) and certified as life coaches (CRM) and spiritual directors (Sustainable Faith).

 Please pray for the facilitators and participants as we prepare for this retreat!